I am Janine Fafard, founder of Tapping Into Soul.
To move from fear to freedom, you need to come back home: to your Soul. Your Soul has no fear. Your Soul is pure happiness.
Over 15 years ago, I wrote about my deepest fear at a Women's Gathering on the Isle of Iona in Scotland. Those words still resonate within me, and I realize that they describe the challenges I have had to face in order to discover the power that resides within my own existence. I share them with you here:
If I could see images of my life projected before me, I would travel to northern Quebec in the year 1957. In that small town, you would find a five-year-old Franco-Canadian girl, the youngest of nine siblings. I often spent hours gazing at the night sky, feeling a strange sense of longing that completely engulfed me.
Despite being at home surrounded by my family, there was something inside me that made me feel like I didn't belong there. I felt that my true home was somewhere beyond the Earth, beyond the stars and the universe. These emotions would often overwhelm me and bring me to tears as I looked up at the sky.
During that time, a traumatic event deeply rooted itself in my cells, although it remained hidden in my unconscious mind until adulthood. This event planted within me an incessant search for God, whom I only knew as the Father in those days (this is another story, but for now, I don't want to digress. You can read it here at another time).

In 1964, my beloved biological father passed away. As a result of this event, I was uprooted from my surroundings and moved to the big city. At the age of 14, I almost won a national contest to become a young astronaut in an attempt to get closer to God.
At 15, I wrote a deeply pessimistic essay titled "Earth," in the style of Agamemnon, which was highly praised by my teacher. In it, I described our planet as a living and precious entity that had no choice but to exterminate the parasites that were killing it. I felt powerless and incapable of correcting the horrors inflicted upon Mother Earth by humans.
At 16, I traveled across Canada until I reached the Arctic, where I experienced my first revelation of Unity. Despite that, my heart continued to cry.
For many years, I sought solace in books and travel while developing a rational mind to protect myself. I worked in the travel industry, creating and manifesting other people's "dream vacations," which became my escape.
I enjoyed immersing myself in the creation of these dream experiences. But as I advanced in my career, I transitioned from working hard to living a frivolous glamourous lifestyle, from being surrounded by many people to long periods of isolation, from dry intellectual-philosophical conversations to heated metaphysical arguments. However, deep within my being, my heart continued to cry.

During Easter week of 1989, I had the opportunity to be alone with Eileen Caddy, the founder of Findhorn, in the meditation room. There, I pleaded with God to show me my purpose in life. In my mind, large and vivid letters appeared, saying "WORLD PEACE" against an infinite blue background. This moment was the culmination of a week-long conference on "Psyche and Soul," which marked the end of an intense personal period of four years of spiritual practices and informal training in psychotherapy in Montreal.
My teacher at that time was a gifted woman but also seeking power. Our relationship ended painfully, but it freed me to discover new territories, both literally and metaphorically. Following the guidance of the spirit, I moved to Victoria, British Columbia, where I was received by the Universe with blessings, visions, and guidance. It was at that moment that I began to embody my rainbow warrior energy.
After my experience in Findhorn, I organized Earth Day 1990 in Canada, which was followed by a difficult four-month period that included the abuse of power by a supposed project partner. As a result, I moved to Costa Rica with a four-month contract, but ended up staying there for five, following my spirit.
In 1990, I began teaching yoga, which allowed me to slowly connect with the energy of the Divine Mother. I developed my own healing work called Cellular Memory and started facilitating conferences and workshops. I also founded the Rainbow Connection of Costa Rica, a local and international business for networking and spiritual travel. It was an advanced idea for its time, but unfortunately, it didn't last long.

In mid-1994, I experienced a painful betrayal that led me on a three-year journey through the United States, Canada, and the Yucatan jungle. During my brief stay in Guatemala, I went through a crisis that made me feel like I was dying, so I returned to Costa Rica in late 1997. There, I was supported by wonderful soul sisters who helped me move forward.
Since childhood, I always knew I had chosen the road less traveled. Additionally, my desire to explore outer space increasingly turned into an endless exploration of the "inner space." By delving into my own psyche, I have been able to "hold space" for others to reconnect with their own souls. Dr. Frawley's statement, "Reaching the soul level is the key to all forms of healing," became my motto.
My private sessions, now called Tapping into Soul, have evolved into a very powerful process. I love opening doors and empowering each person to become their own shaman, their own healer, their own being. Bringing inner peace to the heart of each of my soul friends helps me fulfill the guidance I received 30 years ago in Findhorn: world peace!
For years, I believed that I was afraid of power, but I now realize that what I fear is the abuse of power. I understand that where you feel fear is where your mission in the world hides. It is my responsibility to honor that mission and allow my light to shine, to illuminate the path for those seeking their own truth, so they can find their inner peace and fulfill their purpose in life.
Do you want to return home to your soul?
Please leave me your contact information, and I will get in touch with you shortly to provide you with more information.